Using State of the Art Digital Presses allow us to produce high Res. images at a stunning resolution on paper or Card Stock. In-house printing Printing of complex project Same 24 hours service.
The basic and easiest answer to this question is that you supply a PRINT READY .PDF file. We recommended a minimum of 300dpi, converted to CMYK colorspace, all fonts outlined AND embedded. Specify your trim area with crop marks (Don’t place crop marks inside the work area). Make sure you have a minimum of 1/8″ (0.125″) BLEED on all edges of your job, and a 1/8″ (0.125″) SAFE area that has all critical design element such as text, pulled away from trim.
Following these guidelines, and CAREFULLY CHECKING THE RESULTING PDF before uploading will greatly reduce the possibility of error and accelerate your job through production.